Adrián Caetano - Un Oso rojo / A Red Bear (2002) [DVDRip]
Un Oso rojo (DVDrip - 2002)
88 min | XviD 640x352 | 970 kb/s | 128 kb/s mp3 | 29.97 fps | B-VOP | 700 MB + 3% recovery record
Spanish | Subtitles: English and Fench .srt | Genre: Crime/Drama/Thriller
Argentine social realism mixes with stylized gunplay in this film from director Adrián Caetano. Oso (Julio Chávez) is an inexpressive, heavyset convict who tries to start a new life after being released from jail. His young daughter Alicia (Agostina Lage) has forgotten him and her mother (Soledad Villamil) has long since found a new man--the weak but faithful Sergio (Luis Machín)--with whom she and Alicia share a small home in a rundown Buenos Aires neighborhood. Oso tries to reestablish himself in Alicia's life, but his past keeps getting in the way, eventually causing him to take one final, dangerous job for his scheming old crime boss, the Turk. While the film's mythic western story arc of violence and redemption is nothing new, it's still powerful and moving thanks to Caetano's skill in capturing the subtle beauty of his rundown locations and struggling characters. As with his earlier BOLIVIA, this film provides a nonjudgmental window into Argentina's financial problems, revealing how a proud, richly cultured nation has been driven to extreme measures by economic depression. Performances are naturalistic and strong, with Chávez a standout as the quintessential loner, Oso. With almost no changes in his character's glum exterior, he manages to hint at a concealed wealth of deep emotion; his scenes with Lage are quietly heartbreaking.
"A Red Bear" is daylight noir. The setting is bright, sunny but the characters have shades of gray. Julio Chávez plays an ex-con trying to do good while attempting to reconnect with the daughter he had left behind. But this type of anti-hero is never meant to live happily ever after. Although the film tells a familiar tale, I thought the milieu of a small town in Argentina gives the story an interesting edge. It's a nice change of pace from the usually gritty American landscape. The performances are good too. Chávez is excellent and Soledad Villamil registers in the small role of Chávez's ex-wife. Nice music by Mariano Barrella and Diego Grimblat. Director Caetano is a natural with the camera. If you are fan of noir you won't be disappointed.
Aunque sólo Oso lleva la cuenta, han pasado siete años desde que cayó preso por homici-dio y robo a mano armada. Es un hombre par-co, impredecible, violento por naturaleza o por necesidad, y es probable que en todos estos años no le haya dicho a nadie lo que oculta en sus silencios y la tristeza de su mirada. Alicia, su hija, cumplía un año el día del asalto y Natalia, su mujer, quizás nunca lo haya perdonado. Ahora, mientras sale a la calle en libertad condicional, Oso piensa que tal vez pueda volver a empezar. El Turco le debe todavía su parte del asalto y a través de un compañero de celda contacta con Güemes, que lo emplea como chofer en su agencia de taxis. Oso ha perdido a su mujer que vive ahora con Sergio y su hija apenas lo recuerda, pero Oso está dispuesto a recuperarlas o al menos a reparar los daños.
L'Ours rouge Après avoir passé sept ans en prison pour meurtre et vol à main armée, Oso obtient sa libération conditionnelle. Sa femme Natalia et sa fille Alicia vivent désormais avec Sergio, un chômeur qui s’endette en jouant aux courses. Oso espère les reconquérir, les aider, mais pour cela il doit maîtriser sa maladresse et ses élans irrépressibles de violence. Lorsque Turco tente de l’entraîner dans un nouveau « coup », il comprend que la seule issue possible pour prendre en charge l’avenir de sa fille sera hors la loi...

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