BBC - Massive Nature [Part 1]
BBC - Massive Nature
English | Divx | 688×384 | MP3 | 192kbps | Part ~350MB
New six part series. Imagine amidst the mayhem, you could be at the heart of the action, alongside animals who might die, so the rest may live. This spectacular new series unravels the mystery behind the world’s most dramatic wildlife events.
From the great sardine run to the mighty wildebeest migration - mobs rule. Coming up in the series are millions of African flamingos hunted down by baboons, endless swarms of tiny Texan bats who run the gauntlet of marauding snakes and hawks, and millions of wilderbeest that face the crocodile-infested Mara river in Tanzania.
Part 1 - The Deep
The greatest shoal on Earth - billions of tiny sardines - are on a collision course with thousands of dolphins, sharks, seals and gannets. Will any fish survive the attack? Will the sharks turn on the dolphins? Can animals make their own luck - when faced with mortal danger and is there anywhere to hide in the crowd?
Pass: calek
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