cmiVFX Fusion Advanced Particle Tactics

cmiVFX Fusion Advanced Particle Tactics | 860MB

Now novices can start using particles in a useful manner. If you want detail in your work, particles is how you do it.

Finally, we can all begin to take compositing to the next level. With the advent of Fusion 5, we as compositors are no longer limited to working with many different applications to achieve a single goal. We will take you through several real world projects from beginning to end focusing on the 3D particle system within Fusion 5 as well as utilizing the new 3d compositing environment. This video is worth its weight in gold, especially if you are versed in several applications and are tired of going back and forth doing renders and passing them multiple times just to find out you need to render them again in 3d before bringing them back to the co positing phase.


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