(Francois OZON) Le temps qui reste [DVDrip] (2005)

(Francois OZON) Le temps qui reste [DVDrip] 2005

XviD-1136 | mp3@128 | 576x240 | French (English Spanish Brasilian srt in file) | DVD Cover & Sticker | 1h18 | 700 Mb

France 30 Nov 2005

Director François OZON

Cast/Avec Melvil Poupaud, Jeanne Moreau, Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi

François Ozon aime jouer avec le feu. Dans "Le Temps qui reste", ou plutôt qu’« il reste » à son infortuné héros, il se frotte à la mort, déjà le thème central de son magnifique "Sous le sable". Romain, séduisant photographe de mode d’un égoïsme rare, découvre, à 30 ans, qu’il est atteint d’un cancer fulgurant. Ses chances de guérison sont si minces qu’il choisit de refuser tout traitement. Dès lors, il tente de faire face à cette terrible échéance en la dissimulant à ses proches. La grâce naturelle et la subtilité de Melvil Poupaud confèrent au personnage beaucoup de justesse, prévenant tout effet de pathos. Comme Romain, on sent François Ozon sincère, mais un peu dépassé par son sujet, comme s’il ne savait que faire de sa belle idée. En revanche, le making-of, qui dévoile l’intimité du tournage, se révèle réellement étonnant.

Melvil Poupaud gives an extraordinary, complex performance in TIME TO LEAVE (LE TEMPS QUI RESTE), written and directed by iconoclastic French auteur François Ozon (8 WOMEN, SWIMMING POOL). Poupaud stars as Romain, a selfish, self-absorbed fashion photographer who is suddenly diagnosed with terminal cancer. Not wanting anyone to know about his illness, he brutally breaks up with his boyfriend, Sasha (Christian Sengewald), belittles his sister, Sophie (Louise-Anne Hippeau), and goes against his doctor's (Henri de Lorme) suggestion to give chemotherapy a chance. The only person he chooses to confide in is his grandmother, Laura (the legendary Jeanne Moreau), who has been estranged from the family for many years for what they considered inappropriate behavior after the loss of her husband. Knowing his time is running out, Romain travels around with a small digital camera, capturing tender moments that are very different from the high-profile fashion shoots he is used to. He finds solace with his beloved grandmother, but to everyone else he is cold and distant, seemingly going out of his way to not take the easy way out by rediscovering life and love in his final days. All the while, nearly everywhere he goes, Romain sees himself as a child (Ugo Soussan Trabelsi), as the past invades his temporary present. Beautifully acted and intelligently written, TIME TO LEAVE, the second in a proposed trilogy about life and death by Ozon (following UNDER THE SAND), is a challenging, compelling work with a simply magnificent ending.

Official Site (French/English) http://www.francois-ozon.com/

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